Too Good To Be True? Republic Wireless $19 Unlimited Wireless Plan Is Now...
Back in the early November, I had mentioned of Republic Wireless which offered $19 unlimited wireless plan per month, but I also pointed out how Republic Wireless $19 unlimited wireless plan could only...
View ArticleBandwidth Cap Is Bad For Data In The Cloud
Image via Wikipedia We know data in the cloud might be a good idea, but there are few hesitations come to mind that make data in the cloud a good idea but not practical. We know data in the cloud...
View ArticleShould Broadband Be As Fast As Possible And Yet Bandwidth Should Be Unlimited?
broadband (Photo credit: Sean MacEntee) I’m going to write a quickie to voice my view in regarding to what WSJ had just reported… how the U.S. government is now probing the cable companies for their...
View ArticleSometimes, I’m Very Whiny! This Time, It’s About Where The Heck Is My Lumia 900…
Nokia Lumia 900, powered by Windows Phone (Photo credit: gui ambros) I know I should not be whining too much, but I was infuriated. I ordered Lumia 900 through Amazon Wireless, and the order went...
View ArticleVerizon FiOS Will Soon Install 300 Mbps Up and 65 Mbps Down Broadband In...
English: A map of where Verizon Fios is available in the US according to (Photo credit: Wikipedia) I’m so excited about Verizon big push for faster broadband. Verizon is going to...
View ArticleWhat About Straight Talk Wireless? Unlimited Talk, Data, Text, 411? For Real?
TracFone Wireless (Photo credit: Wikipedia) I don’t know about you, but I do feel owning a smart phone is very expensive. Nonetheless, at the moment I can handle a smart phone expense. If I ever get...
View ArticleiPhone 5 AT&T LTE Network Speed Test
I have a mixed bag of a personal customer satisfaction for iPhone 5 really! On one hand, it’s a more powerful device than the older iPhone iterations, but on the other hand iPhone 5 does have few...
View ArticleLumia 920 Failed To Work After 2 Days; Black Screen And More…
Just a caution for whoever wants to go ahead and spend money on Lumia 920. This smartphone is brand new, and so it’s rather faulty. I just had mine replaced in AT&T store. What is my story on...
View ArticleHTC 8X Locked Up, Screen Died, But Soft Reset Brought It Back To Life
By now, I’m not sure which is the main culprit that causes both Lumia 920 and HTC 8X to lock up itself. It might be the hardware, software, or both! Anyhow, but at least with HTC 8X, soft reset does...
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